KENOSISTEC is part of the Tech4Win Project

Tech4Win proposes a very innovative transparent photovoltaic (PV) window concept based on the adoption of a tandem inspired structure combining an inorganic UV selective multifunctional coating with an organic IR selective PV device. This will allow fully exploiting the IR efficiency and transparency potential of organic based solutions together with the robustness and stability of inorganic thin film concepts, combining sustainable and industrial compatible technologies with demonstrated potential for cost reduction, and avoiding the use of critical raw materials to ensure sustainable mass deployment.

A well balanced multi-sectorial consortium comprises reference research centers, high-tech European companies and relevant stakeholders involved in the value chain: ADVENT, ARMOR, CEA, IK4-TEKNIKER, IMEC, IREC, KENOSISTEC, ONYX.

This project has received funding from the EU’s H2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 826002.

Tech4Win link: